National Coalition of Women in Ministry
New Member Application
website: http://ncwim.org
NCWM is a national professional development organization of women that impacts the kingdom through teaching, supporting,
encouraging and networking.
General Information
Full Membership is nonrefundable and is effective for one calendar year.
Be a Christian woman Leader or an aspiring Christian leader in a local church or a man who supports the work of the NCWM
Conduct a workshop and speak at an Empowerment Call Annually
Pursue the NCWM Leadership Certificate*
Participate and support NCWM events locally and nationally
Take an active role in nominating honorees for the National Esther and Men Mordecai Awards
Sell one table for the annual Awards event either locally or Nationally
Pay membership dues annually on membership anniversary
Complete monthly evaluations of chapter activities
Include NCWM membership in all biographies for speaking engagements
Invite others to join NCWM by giving them a invitation card
Members that complete the seven mandatory workshops will obtain the NCWM
Leadership certificate.
NCWM Ministry Leadership Certificate
Mandatory Workshop Topics
All members are expected to participate in these seven workshops. They can be completed via our online webinars, local conference or at the National Convention.
1. Developing an Effective Workshop
2. Conducting a Business Meeting and Roberts Rules of Order Basics
3. Techniques for presenting Effective Sermons and Messages
4. Unity among the Christian Leader
5. Don?t Defend your Call
6. Pulpit Etiquette
7. Resources for In-depth Bible Study for Sermon Preparation
Please submit with your membership fee by mail or online.
P.O. Box 901653
Memphis, TN 38190
For more information call: 901-877-8820